

The factory in Szikszo, equipped with the latest technology, was one of the most important milestones in the short, but successful history of the brand. . Supplied by the two German machine manufacturing companies’ (Krones, KHS), the factory is able to perform outstandingly by European standards, as it could fill nearly 100,000 cans per hour by the spring of 2016.


Quality and innovation are some of ours most important missions, that consumers have come to know and cherish as the trademark of the products since the birth of the brand. Bottles are filled with liquid energy while they meet the most stringent food safety standards (FSSC-22000) in Hungary’s most modern filling factory, equipped with German production technology. The 11-hectare greenfield investment, including the more than 14,000 square-meter filling station, is capable of bottling 4,5 million metal cans per day, and the logistics centers built around the factory

Supplied by the German Krones and KHS, the filling line is capable of bottling up to 4,5 million bottles of energy drinks per day, even on a 0-24 hour schedule. The exciting flavor is provided by raw materials of the highest quality. The water used in the factory comes from 8 drilled wells through a closed network to the water treatment plant, and then the filtered water is forwarded to a modern beverage kitchen. For perfect results, all stages of the production process are supervised by excellent professionals – going through over 100 checkpoints from the raw material stage to the finished product. In addition to the unmatched performance of the filling lines, the fullness of the cartons is constantly monitored. An empty carton travels about 400 meters until it is finally ready to ship: it is approximately the same as the perimeter of a soccer field. Every second of the production process is conducted according to strict regulations. The system itself is able to react immediately and optimize the production mechanism if it detects any interruption at any point. Wastewater produced during production is filtered by its own cleaning system which allows it to flow into a nearby stream at almost drinking water quality.

Each year 1,2 billion cans are produced in the Hungarian plant, that are delivered to almost 50 countries for energy drink consumers, and no less than four and a half million globally snap a can open every day.